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July 23, 2009
Nuance: One of America's (Allegedly) Leading Female Sportswriters Asks If Erin Andrews Was Just Asking for It
I mean, look at how she's dressed, your honor.

Joe Namath just emailed to say he's had a change of plans.
One of America's leading female sports writers has insinuated that Erin Andrews may have been partially responsible for cultivating a "frat house" fan base that led to a Peeping Tom video taping her in the nude and posting the video on the Internet.
"If you trade off your sex appeal, if you trade off your looks, eventually you're going to lose those," USA Today sports columnist Christine Brennan said Wednesday on the sports radio show 850 "The Buzz." "She doesn't deserve what happened to her, but part of the shtick, seems to me, is being a little bit out there in a way that then are you encouraging the complete nutcase to drill a hole in a room.
"Erin [Andrews] did not deserve this. I want to make that crystal clear. But she's got to be smarter and better," she said.
Click here to go to the Buzz's Web site and hear the full interview.
She later tweeted that "women sports journalists need to be smart and not play to the frat house."
This story demonstrates three things:
1) Women really do despise each other.
2) Women's natural inclination to despise each other and spit venom at each other is exacerbated by the cult of Feminism, a cult which suggests that every woman in the world is not only qualified but obligated to comment critically on the choices of every other woman in the universe. Relentlessly. Because bitching out another woman is promoting the Feminist ideal. See, you're not just being jealous and catty. You're, um, working to create a better world for our daughters. Or something.
Give anyone a philosophy which justifies and promotes his or her natural (bad) inclinations and you're asking for a fistfull of dysfunction.
3) Erin Andrews is really dishy.
Pic thanks to Jones.