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July 17, 2009
Let's Keep Our Anger at Reasonable Levels
I just posted this as a comment. I thought it's a good point to mention on the main page, to debate.
Vent and all that, but let us all remember that in 2006 and 2008 many GOP-leaning voters either stayed home or actually voted for the Democrats.
This has turned out to be every bit the disaster that some feared.
Although many people-- including me, at times -- said "The hell with 'em, let's teach those RINOS a lesson!," I do not think many of us continue to hold a high regard for the "Let's teach them a lesson by letting them lose" impulse.
I think we're all realizing that squish Republican IS, in fact, much better than Liberal Democrat.
So why are we doing this again?
I understand venting on a blog. That's fine. I just hope it doesn't go too much farther than that, and I hope we don't all start talking up how wonderful it will be to teach our political leaders a lesson.
Yes, primary-challenge the intractables and try to beat them and replace them with better candidates.
But I really hope we don't lose sight of the fact that we're in a bad position -- worse than we anticipated, I think it's fair to say -- and that winning is indeed preferable to "losing with principle and ideological integrity."
Am I serving as an apologist? You betcha I am. I also served as an apologist for the horrible candidate John McCain, and I will continue to serve as an apologist until we actually win something and can better afford to be choosy.