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Friday Blawging; Three Four Cases »
July 17, 2009
Unlawful orders & good order & discipline in the military
Given the loving response to my video yesterday, I will splain my first point a bit. I was not opining on Obama's citizenship, as a matter of fact during the election I was hoping that he would be found to be an alien and disqualified. No such luck. If he was somehow now found unqualified and removed from office I would giggle like a schoolgirl and dance a jig. He is a menace.
My point and the reason I said I don't give a shit about that related to his current status as the lawful Commander in Chief of our military. Once he was elected, certified and inaugurated he is the officer appointed over every single service member and unless his orders are unlawful on their own merits, then they are binding. This is not something up for discussion or suit, it is a simple fact necessary for good order and discipline. If any soldier could challenge the standing of an officer appointed over him, we would be paralyzed and incapable of action.
Major Cook used his military service and the unit he was assigned to improperly and he screwed the others in that unit when he was properly dropped from the deployment. If Obama was found to be ineligible for the Presidency then his Commander in Chief status would be invalidated as well, but absent a legal ruling or Congressional action there is no place for random soldiers asking to see his papers.

posted by Uncle Jimbo at
12:03 PM
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