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"Dillinger" Thread »
July 15, 2009
Congressmen "Blown Away" By Negative Reaction to Cap-and-Tax?
So says the Corner.
Iain Murray also mentions that this and ObamaCare represent the last expenditures of Obama's political capital. A point I've kinda-sorta been making.
Allah has the full poll Diageo/Hotline poll that I quoted earlier.
I couldn't find Obama's net approval shift -- I knew he'd gone down 9 points in approval alone, but the press release (oddly) did not mention his net shift, that is, decrease in approval plus increase in disapproval.
The full number? Bear in mind this is from one month. Or, one month and a few days.
Net Change: Minus sixteen.
His approval dropped 9 points -- 65 to 56 -- and his disapproval rose 7 points -- 31 to 38.
Certain conservative principles can't really be proven by facts or circumstances -- the pro-life position, for example, is not capable of being proven or disproven by laboratory tests.
But economic theories can sorta be proven or disproven (at least if you ignore the fact we have no "control" for the "test").
Although a segment of the population is genuinely stupid -- "unteachable," as the liberals say -- most of the public is not stupid, but slow. They learn, but they learn more slowly than you do.
They were willing to experiment with Barack Obama's socialist economic impulses. Experiment. As in "Let's run a few tests and see what gives."
The tests are indicating failure. Americans are a pretty non-ideological people, for good and for ill. It's bad that they weren't more confident in the long proud tradition of capitalistic success and were willing to gamble on a little socialism.
On the other hand, they are not wedded to socialism either. They've been taking a wait and see attitude; they've waited and they're not seeing anything except further job losses and economic stagnation and a crushing pile of debt this country will take two or three generations to work off.
Socialism is not the future in any country with a fair and open franchise and a public which has the sense to realize that socialism isn't working.
I really do think the idea has caught hold with a lot of people that Obama is too clever to beat, the public is too stupid to catch on, the media too biased to get the truth out, our own party is too cowardly to fight back, and our own future too set to change.
It's wrong. Everything can change. Everything can change in a week.
Everyone remember when the Permanent Republican Majority came crashing down?
How about the Permanent Democratic Majority 12 years before that?
I'm linking this speech from Patton which I love. As with the Nazis, Obama's capabilities have to be respected, but not over-respected to the point that he is puffed up in the mind as some sort of indomitable Aryan Superman.
Remember that the enemy is just as frightened as you are, and probably more so. They are not supermen.
Some people have noticed a shift in our trolls. Whereas before they were baiting in a cocky, amused what-a-laugh manner, now they're angry and spitting venom. Why?
Because before they were confident this was all going to be a cakewalk following a coronation and now they see it all slipping away, coming apart, breaking up.
You hear that? That's the sound of dreams dyin', son. They wail like banshees when they die.
They're scared and their tone reflects that. They sound as worried and angry as I was in 2006 and 2008 and we know how that went.
A year ago we laughed at Obama, and now he's Captain Invincible? What, building on his triumphant record of gaffe after gaffe and failure after failure?
I don't think so. I think he's a smooth but gutless punk who's never had to handle adversity in his life and he's already cracking under the pressure of it.