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Minor Outage Today »
July 14, 2009
CBO: Obama's Health Care Will Cost Only $1 Trillion Over Ten Years (And Who Blinks at a Mere Trillion Anymore?), Unless You Mean Its Real, Actual Costs, In Which Case It's About $2.5 Trillion Every Ten Years
Why on earth we'd look at the incomplete costs rather than the full costs, I have no idea.
The trick is that the program ramps up over several years, starting at a "mere" $100 billion a year until it hits $230 billion a year (and it will be more!).
So what to do? Focus on the spending in the first few years then extrapolate them out for ten years, despite the fact that the full ten years' of costs have already been estimated. I.e., rather than taking the estimate in hand, they use an "estimate" they know to be false, using the costs of the first several years and using them as an "approximatiton" of the next ten.
But why approximate like that to get an estimate when we already have an estimate?
Well, because doing it that way dishonestly keeps the costs "down."
Boy, those crazy Tea Partiers and their insane belief that Obama's going to raise taxes on the middle class!
This is all about hating on a black man, you know.