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Overnight Open Thread (genghis) »
July 08, 2009
Obama lackey: stimulus "created" 150,000 jobs
What a relief. Prosperity is just around the corner. A chicken in every pot. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Now go fetch me a juice box you denialist haters. 150,000 - how's my ass taste now bitches?
...Since Obama signed the stimulus bill in February, the economy has shed more than 2 million jobs. Unemployment now stands at 9.5 percent, the highest in more than a quarter century.
Robert L. Nabors II, deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, testified that 150,000 jobs had been created from stimulus spending. With the stimulus spending, he said the nation is moving down the right path...
What they failed to mention is those 150,000 jobs are for Unicorn handlers/trainers, and at Purina who had to ramp up production on the Unicorn Chow™ manufacturing lines.