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July 04, 2009
Overnight Open Thread – Post-Pyrotechnic Edition (genghis)
So how’d it go today? Everyone return with the same number of digits they left with? Anyone actually return home with more digits than they had when they left the house? Anybody go to one of the Tea Parties? Attend a swearing-in ceremony for new citizens? Grill anything interesting? (Note: Anyone who says they bbq’d something but didn’t do so in an actual smoker will be mocked without mercy and quite possibly have their comment edited.) See any good public fireworks displays, or even better put on one of your own? Get shitfaced? Still in the process of getting shitfaced or adding to your shitfacedness? Get laid? Still getting laid while you’re writing up your comment? Do any multiple combination of those things at the same time or, even more impressive, all of them at once? Anything else?
Of course, anything involving the armed forces is more than welcome as well, and I’m sure there were plenty of events both big and small, ranging from things like a Blue Angels/Thunderbirds/Golden Knights performance down to just calling a family member or friend who’s serving.
Tell us all about it in the thread. Even better if you’ve got vids or link to vids. I’ll try to tack on the best ones. Note the word “try.”
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
08:21 PM
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