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Overnight Open Thread – (genghis) »
June 30, 2009
Barack Obama: Sarah Palin Just Didn't Have the Time That I Had to Prepare for National Office
Buried in Todd Purdham's hit piece: Barack Obama's own concession that it simply takes time Sarah Palin didn't have to learn how to become an an acceptable, viable national candidate:
. At least one savvy politician—Barack Obama—believed Palin would never have time to get up to speed. He told his aides that it had taken him four months to learn how to be a national candidate, and added, “I don’t care how talented she is, this is really a leap.”
As I said ten times during the campaign, Barack Obama is just Sarah Palin plus six months of briefing books and town halls.
On the other hand, she's kinda making me look like a liar by waiting so long to start that process. She seems to prefer instead to keep her politicking within her comfort zone of the personal, which may please some of the already-converted, but it does nothing to persuade that additional 6-8% of the electorate (at a minimum) needed to win an election.