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June 30, 2009
Another Sarah Palin Hit Job Profile
This time it's Vanity Fair's turn.
It looks like the biggest quote so far is an implication that Palin may have been suffering from postpartum depression* during the campaign.
All the while, Palin was coping not only with the crazed life of any national candidate on the road but also with the young children traveling with her. Some top aides worried about her mental state: was it possible that she was experiencing postpartum depression? (Palin’s youngest son was less than six months old.)
Bill Kristol thinks he knows who floated that bit of trash...none other than top John McCain adviser Steve Schmidt.
McCain aides peddling trashy gossip about Palin? Color me shocked.
Jim Gerhaghty has more on the piece and wonders given that these profiles so often contradict each other whether or not "reporters" are simply projecting their preferred narrative on Palin. Also, be sure to read his fuller take down of the piece.
Personally, I'm pretty agnostic about her. She undoubtedly has that undefinable 'it' quality a great politician must have to succeed. As for policy, time will tell. Last year's campaign was not a fair sampling of her thinking.
First, she had to talk about a lot of issues she never had to deal with before and be up to speed on all of them in a very short period of time. Her instincts seem good but I'd prefer to see more before jumping on the bandwagon.
Second, the nature of the VP nominee's job, to support the top of the ticket, obscured the line between her views and McCain's, which she was obliged to support. I look forward to her laying out her agenda in a totally transparent way.
That said, for someone the left thinks is way to stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time, the number of profiles done on her illustrate two things...she moves sales and they are worried about her.
*Andrew Sullivan e-mails to say, "I'm sorry to see that Vanity Fair is buying into the 'Sarah is Trig's mom' myth. Of course, Palin could have been faking her postpartum symptoms to throw me off the trail. That dumb bitch is pretty clever."

posted by DrewM. at
11:53 AM
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