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June 29, 2009
John Edwards Sex Tape Alleged by Former Aide/Patsy Andrew Young
Andrew Young was the aide who falsely took the paternity rap for John Edwards' love-baby. His family, and Reille Hunter, were moved to California (IIRC) and paid off/"helped" by Texas fixer Fred Baron.
Fred Baron is now dead and Andrew Young is disgraced. So he's shopping a tell-all book to publishers.
Allegedly, the proposal alleges that John and Reille made a sex tape.
It certainly seems plausible that the narcissist Edwards would make a tape of himself, in order to admire his own loveliness. But there's also a good chance this is all nonsense. There are two allegedlies here -- reports claim the proposal allegedly contains the claim, and the claim is only alleged by Andrew Young either way, who probably needs the money and needs as juicy a proposal as possible to get a decent advance.
Thanks to Edward.