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Iran, The Day After UPDATE: Large Street Protests Today? »
June 21, 2009
Pre-Overnight Open Thread (genghis)
More update: COMMENTS ARE BACK!!! Come and get some!
Update and bumped: Events in Iran are obviously the biggest topic of the day. In fact, really the only topic. I'll leave this thread open though in case you want to talk about something else (assuming the comments come back online). I did promise Gator a photo if he behaved himself/herself/itself so that's all below the fold.
Original Post
Here's a sandbox for you to play in instead of defiling Drew's last post. I'll add some stuff and bump it later. Or just start a new one. The possibilities are endless (that is if you consider two to be endless).
Added since original post:
Since summer just started (within the last couple of hours, depending on your time zone) I'm sure that all of you are gearing up for your traditional Summer Solstice celebrations involving virginal sacrifices and snatching the still-beating hearts out of the chests of hapless victims on your makeshift backyard altars. After tossing the hearts into a bed of flaming coals and interpreting the portents from the smoke, it's time to get down to business: shish kabobs.
But lest you forget the meaning behind the holiday, take some time to review and remember the reason for the season with this handy guide to the Aztec Pantheon.
Since it’s the beginning of summer, of course your thoughts will first turn towards giving thanks to Tonatiah, the Sun God:
”According to the Aztec creation myth, the god demanded human sacrifice as tribute and without it would refuse to move through the sky. It is said that 20,000 people were sacrificed each year to Tonatiuh and other gods, though this number is thought to be inflated either by the Aztecs, who wanted to inspire fear in their enemies, or the Spaniards, who wanted to vilify the Aztecs.”
So you’ve probably got a bit of catching up to do in order to meet this year’s quota. Let’s get bizzy people!
Of course, when “Tony” (as he liked to be called) was attending Aztec State Univ., his frat brothers were always trying to catch him in compromising yet humorous photos, such as this one:
Then they’d post the images on the Aztec version of YouTube in the central city plaza in the form of a sculpture. Tony was always a good sport about it though and after he became god-king he at least allowed one member of each of his frat brothers’ families to survive when he ordered a temple of 20,000 skulls be built to honor him. The survivors were quite grateful despite the fact that their eyes were put out by red hot irons and their tongues slit.
But as much as this time of year is about the Sun God and shish kabobs, we mustn’t forget about The Moon Goddess, “what’s-her-name:”
And thus has my promise been fulfilled to “Gator.” Even though it’s about an hour later than I said it would be.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
01:30 AM
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