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June 17, 2009
McCain Piles On: Obama Not Saying Enough On Iran
Points out what has been pointed out in previous posts, there are certain principles over which we've been willing to "meddle".
"People are being killed and beaten in the streets of Tehran and all over Iran, and we should stand up for them," he told FOX News. "The way we stood up for the Polish workers in Gdansk, the way we stood up for the people of then Czechoslovakia in the Prague Spring and we have stood up for freedom in every part of the world. We're not doing that."
Credit where it's due, he's restating the obvious historical point about this nation. We didn't invade Eastern Europe over the Prague Spring, but neither did we roll over and fan ourselves about how we'd be perceived by Soviet satellite countries and meddling with their friggin sovereignty.
He also doesn't buy into the argument that asserting the right of people to self-determination, the same one we recognize in our founding documents, gives an oppressive regime some sort of excuse to murder its citizens to protect their f'n' status quo.
UPDATE via commenter eman: W won't criticize his successor, but is perfectly willing to criticize his retarded policies.
Among my favorites:
We tried to reform mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but couldn't get it through the vested interests on Capitol Hill.
Mostly because this point needs to be hammered home.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:45 PM
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