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June 11, 2009
Trouble With The Narrative: Was The Holocaust Museum Shooter Thinking About Going After The Weekly Standard?
Sure they are Jews but they are also conservatives. The narrative machine will be working overtime today.
In fairness, Ben Smith at Politico.com has the story and takes this element of the story head on.
The suggestion that the Standard may have been a target complicates any view of the racist shooter in contemporary left-right terms. Von Brunn's white supremacist roots put him under the rubric of a "right-wing extremist," but the substance of his views -- which included everything from believing that President Bush may have been in on the September 11 attacks to denying that President Obama is an American citizen -- are too far on the fringe to fit into conventional political classification.
Good for Smith.
My guess is though the lunatics at MSMNBC and other outlets won't be so honest.
Just curious but what page of the DHS report covers 'white supremacist, anti-Semitic, 9/11 Truther, conservative hating, WWII vets with journalism degrees"?
Or maybe this guy is simply a nut job piece of shit? It's just a theory.
BTW-I keep waiting for one of my liberal friends to use this guy to attack conservatives for hating Obama. My retort will be, then how to you explain this guy trying to attack the Federal Reserve during the Reagan administration?
To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a racist whack job is just a racist whack job.

posted by DrewM. at
01:33 PM
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