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June 10, 2009
Stimulus "Sheriff" Joe Biden: How They Came Up With the "Saved or Created" Figure is "Above My Pay Grade"
Um, only one man in government is above Joe Biden's pay grade.
So, presumably, no other man in government understands this either. Only Barack Obama. Who is super-smart like C-3PO on Ritalin.
No "reasonable challenges" to the entirely made-up figure," he claims. He can't offer any evidence to support his made-up number, but that's okay, because there have been no "reasonable" challenges to it.
Hm. I would think asking for evidence of the number's validity, and the utter failure to provide such, would constitute together a "reasonable" challenge.
Like if you tell me dragons and unicorns exist, and I ask you for evidence, and you cannot offer any. That is, in fact, a "reasonable" challenge.
But not for the Sheriff.
Asked by Jonathan Riskind of the Columbus Dispatch to explain how the White House determined these numbers, Biden said that the Council of Economic Advisers makes its estimates based on measuring what the U.S. employment level would have been without the stimulus, and then comparing it to the nation’s actual employment level.
“I’m sorry I’m not an economist,” Biden said as he was describing the methodology. “My background is in Nerf-Jarts and applesauce."
Actually he said his background is in "foreign policy and the constitution," but I've fixed it for him.
A lot of you guys are gloomy Guses. You believe that Obama's going to continue to skate on all of this just because the media is in his pocket.
Seriously: Think about all of this crap. I know you doubt your fellow Americans -- brothers, I hear ya, I doubt them too -- but at some point it dawns on them that the economy is not improving and Obama's policies are hurting not helping.
And that Joe Biden, our Vice President, hand-picked by Obama as a demonstration of his presidential judgment, is a high-functioning retard.