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June 09, 2009
Homegrown Muslim Terrorist Says Arkansas Troop Shooting Justified
Fifth Columnist.
"I do feel I'm not guilty," Abdulhakim Muhammad told The Associated Press in a collect call from the Pulaski County jail. "I don't think it was murder, because murder is when a person kills another person without justified reason."
..."U.S. soldiers are killing innocent Muslim men and women. We believe that we have to strike back. We believe in eye for an eye. We don't believe in turning the other cheek," he said.
Asked whether he considered the shootings at the recruiting center an act of war, Muhammad said "I didn't know the soldiers personally, but yes, it was an attack of retaliation. And I feel that other attacks, not by me or people I know, but definitely Muslims in this country and others elsewhere, are going to attack for doing those things they did," especially desecrating the Quran.
At least he is honest about it. No wonder Obama and the left don't want to talk about it. They can't spin this as some wannabe big talker who has no connection to Islam. Democrats are doing what they always do when confronted with evil threatening the United States (well at least since JFK)...pretend it doesn't exist.
Give this piece of shit his trial and then kill him.
In case you missed it earlier, here is my post onPrivate William Long's funeral.

posted by DrewM. at
05:54 PM
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