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June 08, 2009
New Technological Developments, as predicted by Michael Crichton.
As featured at Instapundit. Rifles with "smart" bullets that can chase down their targets and blow them up. Blows 'em up REAL GOOD. Allegedly*.
When contacted about this story, Gene Simmons replied "Not only did I nail 10,000 women during my career, but I was out there playing with cutting edge technology 25 years before the rest of those pointy-headed geeks even figured out how to make it work outside their wildest fantasies."
* (I'm torn. Yeah, I love technology as much as the next geek does; however, "Murphy's Law" would dictate that this ammunition will either
A.) prove to be just more "magic beans", like cold fusion in a jar, interactive holographic technology & realistic sex robots.
B.) be extremely susceptible to environmental conditions and require that our soldiers sally forth on their missions from "clean rooms".
C.) be so expensive as to make it an impractical wonder-weapon that just barely outperforms a $1 per pop 173 grain full metal jacket 7.62x51 sniper round.
D.) become self-aware immediately after going on line and conspire to kill all humanity and take its place as the dominant life form on the planet.
I'll stick with dumb bullets and smart shooters, thankyouverymuch.)

posted by Russ from Winterset at
07:34 PM
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