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June 05, 2009
Even Liberals Starting to Find NBC's Obama-Love Risible
I noticed this yesterday but didn't think it was worth mentioning. But now that Jon Stewart is in on the act, I guess it's a trend.
Slate's Troy Patterson is that most useless of media types, a television reviewer. The only reason I know his name is because I had some fun with this card-carrying sissy when he hyperventilated over the extreme right-wing messaging of 24.
And when I say card-carrying sissy, I'm not talking about his sexuality. As far as I know. But he is, obviously, a sissy, gay or straight.
Oh, who am I kidding.
Anyway, he watched that Brian Williams tour of the White House Obama's lower duodenum and found it almost as laughable as a conservative might.
This week, NBC News, feeling left out of the fun [of how ridiculous the NBC Entertainment division was proving itself], got in on the act of degrading the airwaves. Congrats to Steve Capus and his team for reminding viewers just how awful television news can be.
...the special’s dumbest moment was the tracking shot showing Obama walking the portico as if he were taking a date into the Copa 'round the back way.
Maybe. There are so many bits of ridiculousness here that it’s tough to pick a favorite. The pulsing dance music scoring a shot of Rahm Emmanuel opening a door? The adrenalized zooming on envelopes labeled "top secret"? The segment pretending to offer an “anatomy of a talking point” that could have been approved by David Axelrod himself?
The president’s opposition couldn’t have been giddier at seeing "the media" so blatantly submerged in "the tank."
He throws "media" in quotes... I don't know why. I guess he's suggesting that NBC isn't real media, or at least it's not acting as real media here. But this is what the media routinely does. They're just usually not this transparent about it.
Anyway, that's what I can add to Allah's post about Jon Stewart similarly laughing at Brian Williams' two-hour sex tape.
I still don't find Stewart funny -- I mean, jeeze, his big funny line is the sort of thing I write every third post -- but it is interesting that liberals are even beginning to nauseate themselves.
Also tucked in there: I questioned the usefulness of Rasmussen's newfangled "Presidential Approval Index," but there's no questioning the pedigree of this metric: Obama's "Excellent/Good" rating stands at 51%. His fair/poor (that is, his disapproval; "fair" means bad) is at 49%.
51-49? Seriously? Given the other numbers peg his support in the mid-to-high fifties, I'm guessing this is on the low side.
But who knows.