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June 05, 2009
San Diego County Officials...Um Sorry We Didn't Know About That Freedom Of Religion Thing
Last week Ace blogged about a story of San Diego County officials who issued a zoning violation citation against a pastor who held a weekly prayer meeting at his home. The county originally claimed that the pastor and his wife would need to have a permit to hold the meetings.
Well, turns out, not so much.
On Wednesday, San Diego County officials sent pastor David Jones' attorney a formal letter rescinding an April 14 cease and desist order.
The county initially told Jones he had to obtain a permit to hold the meetings at his Bonita home because a neighbor had complained about parking and traffic congestion.
Last Friday, the county announced it had withdrawn the citation given to Jones, but as of Tuesday Jones said he still had not seen anything in writing.
Additionally, the county's chief administrative officer Walter Ekard also sent Jones a letter apologizing for the mistake.
The letter of apology was finally sent and is here (pdf).
Thanks to pajama momma for the heads up.

posted by DrewM. at
10:16 AM
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