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June 02, 2009
Sarah Palin...Hey, You Know The Little Rock Murder Isn't Exactly Getting The Same Attention As The Tiller Case
I just sent an email to Dave and Slu about this. I'm glad someone besides a couple of blogger types is noticing.
"The stories of two very different lives with similar fates crossed through the media's hands yesterday - both equally important but one lacked the proper attention. The death of 67-year old George Tiller was unacceptable, but equally disgusting was another death that police believe was politically and religiously motivated as well.
William Long died yesterday. The 23-year old Army Recruiter was gunned down by a fanatic; another fellow soldier was wounded in the ambush. The soldiers had just completed their basic training and were talking to potential recruits, just as my son, Track, once did.
Whatever titles we give these murderers, both deserve our attention. Violence like that is no way to solve a political dispute nor a religious one. And the fanatics on all sides do great disservice when they confuse dissention with rage and death."
Governor Sarah Palin
As of 3:15pm EDT there's still no statement on the White House website about the death of a US soldier by a Muslim terrorist. Contrast that to the rapidity with which the Obama administration had something to say about the Tiller murder.
There's nothing on Andrew Sullivan's website nor did Keith Olbermann manage to take a second away from blaming Fox for Tiller's death to mention Private Long or Private Ezeagwula.
I guess we know what their priorities are.
Damn good thing we managed to keep Palin away from the Vice Presidency.

posted by DrewM. at
02:17 PM
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