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June 02, 2009
Polls, Polls, Polls (genghis)
(Thought I might slip this over the transom and run away really fast)
Remember how during the 8 years of the Age of W we were subjected to a barrage of near-daily polls telling us exactly how much America was hated around the world? Typically these polls were taken in nations with Muslim majorities, but primarily in the Middle East and East Africa, or the more socialistic nations of Western Europe (or "Old Europe" as it was sometimes called by Darth Rumsfeld).
Remember? Pissed you off didn't it? No one ever asked us American knuckle-draggers what we thought about those same countries (or if they did it was usually some kind of novelty poll about France, as if that were an actual nation and stuff).
But now, as Pres. Obama prepares to head off to the Middle East, CNN has blessed us with a poll headlined Few Americans Have a Good View of the Muslim World.
"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Shortly before President Obama departs for a trip to the Middle East, a new national poll suggests that one in five Americans has a favorable view of Muslim countries."
"That view compares with 46 percent of the people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey who say they have an unfavorable opinion of Muslim countries. That's up 5 percentage points from 2002, when 41 percent indicated that they had an unfavorable view."
Well, at least CNN tried to accentuate the positive in the first line. What does it all mean? I dunno'...you'll sort it out in the comments. Yet looking at some of the later statements in the story, I smell the foundation being laid for a fresh new narrative as the Healer in Chief goes forth into the lands of the heathens.
So go ahead and give us your best take on what the narrative will be.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:41 AM
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