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May 30, 2009
Right Wing Nut Job Ted Rall: Obama Should Resign
What's that you say? Rall isn't a rightwinger but a despicable piece of shit lefty? Whatever. It's still fun.
We expected broken promises. But the gap between the soaring expectations that accompanied Barack Obama’s inauguration and his wretched performance is the broadest such chasm in recent historical memory. This guy makes Bill Clinton look like a paragon of integrity and follow-through.
From health care to torture to the economy to war, Obama has reneged on pledges real and implied. So timid and so owned is he that he trembles in fear of offending, of all things, the government of Turkey. Obama has officially reneged on his campaign promise to acknowledge the Armenian genocide. When a president doesn’t have the nerve to annoy the Turks, why does he bother to show up for work in the morning?
Obama is useless. Worse than that, he’s dangerous. Which is why, if he has any patriotism left after the thousands of meetings he has sat through with corporate contributors, blood-sucking lobbyists and corrupt politicians, he ought to step down now — before he drags us further into the abyss.
Is this important? Of course not.
Is it irresistible as a heaping helping of Schadenfreude? Yes, yes it is.
As for lefties criticizing Obama from the left, sorry, you saddled us with this moron so you don't get to run away from him.
And no, the fact that Obama is being hit from the right and left does not prove he's a centrist. All Rall's little rant proves is that his absolutely bonkers, not that we didn't already know that.
(via The Corner)

posted by DrewM. at
12:32 PM
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