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Craig T. Nelson: I'm Not Paying Taxes Until Politicians Take Responsibility and Begin Representing Me, and I Encourage Others to do Likewise
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May 28, 2009
Swarthy, Indonesian-Educated Man Threatens Crowd at Hotel Auditorium: "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!"
Dropping in a terrorist joke in the headline, so maybe I'll be mentioned on O'Reilly. I mean, they didn't even call Obama "Hussein" and still O'Reilly claimed they did.
And plus, Allah wrote the same headline I would have, so I have to go somewhere else.
Obama arrogantly ticks off all of his "accomplishments' -- mostly small-bore stuff. The credit card thing? It seems basically good, from what I know of it, but generally such bills are considered housekeeping measures, not major political victories.
He doesn't mention his greatest accomplishment -- spending the once-mighty US economy into ruin.
More at Hot Air. He also didn't mention his heroic fight to keep gay marriage illegal.