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May 28, 2009
Seminal Killing in West Germany, Which Prompted the Country to Move to Left, Turns Out to Have Been Work of Spy Working for Socialist East Germany
A West Berlin cop shot a left-wing protester in 1967, setting off an outrage greater than the US experienced after Kent State and greatly empowering Germany's left. (And also providing the impetus for, and public sympathy for, its various left-wing terrorist groups.)
The shooter turns out to have been a spy in the employ of the Stasi, East Germany's secret police.
It's not (AFAIK) proven that this was some kind of agent provocateur action ordered by the Stasi -- seems unlikely, really, as the shooter wound up in prison for the better part of his life -- but even so, Germany is shocked to learn that what it had long known to be true is in fact not quite true.