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May 28, 2009
Harry Reid Wrote A Book And Revealed Himself To Be An Enormous Tool
I bet no one saw that coming, right?
Thankfully, Mark Hemingway read it so you don't have to.
While no one expects Reid to praise George W. Bush, the degree to which he is judgmental and catty regarding the former president pretty much speaks for itself. Three pages in, after lamely trying to establish his bipartisan bona fides by talking up George H. W. Bush, Reid shares this charming anecdote about his early days in the Senate: “[Former Texas senator and vice-presidential candidate Lloyd] Bentsen went on and on effusively about what a quality man President-elect [H. W.] Bush was. Then he paused and said, ‘But watch out for his wife; she’s a bitch.’ I have never had anything against Mrs. Bush, but guided by Bentsen’s crude advice, I’ve always said that our forty-third president is more his mother than his dad.”
What’s the purpose of recording for posterity a bit of hearsay defaming a woman Reid admits he has no cause to dislike? Is Reid really so petty as to insult someone’s mother? Why yes, yes he is.
And then it gets really obnoxious.
I seem to recall Democrats going after John McCain because he didn't beat up an old lady who called Hillary Clinton a bitch, though he did chastise her. Now here's the current Senate Majority Leader proudly associating himself with someone who called another first lady a bitch. Democrats will be outrageously outraged in 3-2- oh look over there, it's Sonia Sotoamayor!
It's almost like there is a double standard for Democrats and Republicans when it comes to public behavior. Who knew?
(via The Weekly Standard)
Update: Heh, I love you guys. Harry Reid, Yo Momma jokes? That's great.
Since I'm awful at that game I will simply steal IreneFingIrene's...
Reid's momma's teeth are so yellow, traffic slows down when she smiles!

posted by DrewM. at
11:54 AM
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