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May 21, 2009
Lawrence O'Donnell Exhausts Thesaurus Searching for Adjectives With Which to Condemn Cheney
Vid here. (Link Fixed.)
An outrageously outraged palate cleanser for your amusement. “Sleazy” and “slanderous” and “disgraceful” and “an abomination”: It’s precisely the reaction you’d expect, with O’D in particular straining for adjectives to express his limitless contempt.
Since Larry's run out of adjectives, may I suggest he begin cribbing the antiquated descriptors favored by Cthulhu writer HP Lovecraft in describing Cheney?
Like so:
Dick Cheney is a vile disgrace of eldritch omen. He lies broken in Cyclopean ruins, a jumble of weird translucent standing-stones suggesting, simultaneously, both filthy glass and twisted iron, violating the senses in a dread suggestion of non-Euclidean geometry; his very shape a crazed blasphemy to the laws of cold nature itself. His speech is a lunatic gibbering, both no language and all languages at the same time, snatches of Aramaic and Old Hebrew gurgling over dark whispers of Latin and Ancient Greek and strange heresies of some insane ur-language unknown to man; and beneath them all a weeping not of sadness but of corrupt hungers yet unsatisfied. Slithering from his gaping, mishapen maw are hideous tentacles, slimy and pustulant and chalk-white like the seawater-softened fingers of drowned men...
Friggin' pansy. Man up and grow a pair, you effete liberal dandycake. We're talking about national security and he's shrieking like a dissed Holloback Girl.
Here's Dick "Great Old One" Cheney's speech in four parts, starting here.
Caution: Witnessing this vile blasphemy may result in a loss of sanity for some.
Vid tip thanks to Stan W.
Cheneyku: Treacher's Cheney haikus.
Been a while since we did those, huh?
Cheney haiku thread!