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May 19, 2009
AP Mocks Harry Reid For Messing Up Three Times In One Press Conference But Spins Lies For Obama In The Process
Usually 2 out 3 ain't bad but it depends one what the one is. In this case the AP has a little fun out of Harry Reid giving some incorrect information about the health of Senators Byrd and Kennedy. Now that's not that big of a deal (unless you are Byrd or Kennedy) but the third subject is a little more important to the nation as a whole.
Reid also mangled his party's position on the congressional news of the day, that Senate Democrats would join their House counterparts in withholding the money President Barack Obama needs to close the Guantanamo Bay prison until Obama comes up with a plan for relocating its prisoners.
But Reid went further than saying he wanted to see a plan for the money before Congress approves it. "We will never allow terrorists to be released into the United States," he said.
No one, of course, was talking about releasing terrorism suspects among the American populace. Imprisoning them, perhaps, but not releasing them.
That's not what one might term, um, accurate.
The administration is most certainly talking about releasing a number of Uighur terrorists in the US.
Contra the AP's happy talk, it's clear the Uighurs are terrorists.
Some lawmakers and top counterterrorism officials, however, are alarmed by the detainees' ties to a terror group that recently aligned itself publicly with Al Qaeda.
The militant Turkistan Islamic Party, or East Turkistan Islamic Movement, ran the Afghan camp the detainees fled. In a jihad video released last month, that group praised Al Qaeda in Iraq and the Uyghurs' former hosts, the Taliban government that ruled Afghanistan.
"It's more than just solidarity, it's inspiration," said terror hunter Rita Katz of the SITE Intelligence Group, who provided the new tape to the Daily News.
The video mentions its operatives "took military training in Afghanistan" before 9/11, until the Taliban government "was overthrown by the Jewish and Christian forces under the commandment of America."
Attorney General Eric Holder indicated last week he regards the Uyghurs as former militants with no ill will to the U.S.
I guess we can have an ontological argument about when one becomes a terrorist. I'd say going to a terror training camp affiliated with al Qaeda meets the standard. It seems the AP thinks a terrorists only busts his cherry when he actually kills someone.
But hey, Harry botched his medical updates so no need to pay any attention to those terrorists being released in the US.

posted by DrewM. at
08:06 PM
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