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May 18, 2009
Sen. Webb (D-VA): Hey, What's The Rush To Close Gitmo?
File this under, "Governing Is Harder Than Pandering To The Left, Part 2,594".
Sen. James Webb, an influential Democratic voice on national security issues, raised questions over the Obama administration’s plan to shut down the controversial military- detention center at Guantanamo Bay by early next year.
The Virginia senator, who sits on the Senate’s Armed Services Committee, told ABC News’s “This Week” on Sunday that the White House shouldn’t “be creating artificial timelines” to close down the facility in Cuba.
“We should close down Guantanamo at the right time,” he said. “I think what’s happened is Guantanamo has become the issue, rather than how we process these people who were detained there.”
You don't say.
I seem to remember someone else saying something similar, oh yeah, this guy.
Meanwhile according to a Fox News poll, 55% of Americans think bringing terrorists to the US is a bad idea.
Just over half of Americans (55 percent) oppose transferring detainees from the Guantanamo Bay facility to prison facilities in the United States.
Even so, they are divided on whether bringing the detainees to the United States will put the country at risk. While some 43 percent think transferring the detainees to U.S. prison facilities would make the country less safe, about the same number — 45 percent — think it would not make much of a difference. Few — 8 percent — think it would make the United States safer.
Only 55% oppose this stupidity? Damn there are a lot idiots in this country.

posted by DrewM. at
02:39 PM
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