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May 15, 2009
The "new math" on jobs "saved" or created
600 United Steel Workers in Pennsylvania lose their jobs because of provisions in the Spendulus.
...In recent weeks, its largest client -- a steel pipemaker located one mile down the road -- notified Duferco Farrell that it would be canceling orders. Instead, the client is buying from companies with 100 percent U.S. production to meet the new stimulus regulations. Duferco has had to furlough 80 percent of its workforce.
"You need to tell me how inhibiting business between two companies located one mile apart is going to save American jobs," said Bob Miller, Duferco Farrell's executive vice president. "I've got 600 United Steel Workers out there who are going to lose their jobs because of this. And you tell me this is good for America?" ...
Mr. Miller clearly has a "bad attitude" and doesn't understand the fine nuance, painstaking detail, and years of work that went into precision crafting that legislative tour-de-force.