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Overnight open thread – “It Feeds on Fear” (genghis) »
May 13, 2009
Obama: Hey, You Know What Would Be a Novel Idea That No One Else Has Suggested Before I So Brilliantly Thought It Up? Indefinitely Detaining Terrorist Suspects Without Trial
Obviously I don't mind his "considering" the possibility. I'm just a little surprised that Bammy "The Brain" Obama didn't "consider" this might be necessary when running for president, and offered the public simple answers expressed with confidence and moral righteousness.
Um, a lot like Sarah Palin was alleged to have done.
Except in Obama's case, we actually have proof in hand his simplistic, base-pleasing answers were, what's the word?, wrong.
The Obama administration is weighing plans to detain some terror suspects on U.S. soil -- indefinitely and without trial -- as part of a plan to retool military commission trials that were conducted for prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The proposal being floated with members of Congress is another indication of President Barack Obama's struggles to establish his counter-terrorism policies, balancing security concerns against attempts to alter Bush-administration practices he has harshly criticized.
WSJ's Justice Department reporter Evan Perez discusses the Obama administration's efforts to create a detainee policy in line with both national security concerns and the critiques Obama raised during his campaign.
On Wednesday, the president reversed a recent administration decision to release photos showing purported abuse of prisoners at U.S. military facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. Obama cited concern that releasing the pictures could endanger U.S. troops. Mr. Obama ordered government lawyers to pull back an earlier court filing promising to release hundreds of photos by month's end as part a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union.
Isaac Asimov coined the expression (I think) "Ah, to be young enough to know everything."
Our young, untested, inexperienced president sure did know everything when he came riding into DC to rescue us. Now, not so much.
Well, he still knows everything about economics, so that's comforting.
Thanks to AHFF Geoff.