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May 12, 2009
Jeneane Garofalo Explains Tea Parties = Racist Claim
Apparently she saw a sign using Gary Coleman's 70's catchphrase, "Whostayooo talkin' about Willis?"
The catchphrase, of course, was used to express profound skepticism about Willis' harebrained schemes, deceits, and self-serving illogic. In other words, it makes perfect sense for an opponent of Obama to ask the same question of him -- no hidden racist motive required to make sense of it.
But apparently even referencing another black person when discussing The One is racist. Because, like, he's different or something, I guess, and talking about other black people lowers him to "their" level? Or something?
Not sure.
In related news, Tea Partiers stand accused of slurring Obama as a 90 year old white woman by demanding to know "Where's the beef?"
Incidentally, the conservatives who bought tickets to her show didn't actually heckle. Or at least they seem not to have. Sigh.
This guy says she started that show by announcing, "If there's any tea-baggers here, let me say 'Welcome.' And, as always, 'White Power.'"
Thanks to EdwardR.