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May 07, 2009
Overnight Open Thread: Which has come back from the light…(genghis)
Two days. It only took two days for Krakatoa to ruin all my efforts here. All that time spent trying to grind down and destroy all your hopes and spirits, only to see them pop back up in some sort of bloggy version of The Prague Spring of 1968. So I apologize/take glee in the fact that Krakatoa has given you that false glimpse of freedom. He’s been relieved of duty and I hear is on his way to a comfortable, permanent retirement at one of the Politburo’s luxurious state owned ski retreats in Siberia where he can hopefully get the help he needs. Pay no attention to the armored columns and paragraphs that just rolled into the margins. They’re here to provide you protection from trolls and spam. Please resume your normal commenting activities. *shuffles papers*
On tonight’s non-agenda:
Item #1: From yesterday (and it’s been covered on FNC and elsewhere, but not sure if it’s been yakked about here), the Oklahoma State House of Representatives is working on an attempt to override Gov. Brad Henry’s (D) veto of a bill fashioned to reassert the state’s sovereignty and push back against the federal government’s infringements against state’s rights and violations of the 10th Ammendment. Which is all fine and dandy, and it’s nice that the 10th gets trotted out every once in a while. But for whatever reasons these things end up being mostly symbolic and the states never stick to the stated principle…it’s a grand rebellious vote with lots of flourishes but then they always sneak back in the dark of night to get the federal payola they’re addicted to. Just once it’d be nice to see them stick to their principles. I mean if they had them, that is. (There’s been talk and/or legislation in Wyoming and Texas recently as well about similar issues)
(More inane babble and the return of the bestiary sponsor below the fold)
In related news, I’ve been hearing some grumblings from my laundry room about seceding from the house. It feels it’s overburdened and not as well cared for as the rest of the rooms. I think it has the adjacent bathroom lined up squarely on it’s side should there be a fight, but so far the kitchen has stayed neutral (at least in words) despite having strong sympathies with its plumbed brethren. Then again, it’s got a large contingent of loyal breakfast nook on it’s flank, so is probably hesitant to join the fray at this time. That and the fact they’re all facing a rather large corps of living room and bedrooms gives me hope we can keep this house undivided.
So that’s the “serious” non-topic topic if you want. Otherwise I’ve got a gob of sidebar-type stories I’ve collected (and you losers have sent me) over the past few days I’ve got to work through. A couple below (or you can discuss the positive impacts that the female breast has had over centuries of recorded human history regarding socio-economic issues. If you wish, expand your discussion into the realms of art and/or the rise and fall of great civilizations.) Please make sure to cite your resources in your footnotes. (Better stuff coming on Friday)
Item #2: Cracked.com has a list of 10 Popular Porn Scenarios That Seem Highly Implausible. Well, maybe to their sad little minds, but as any regular at the overnight thread knows, the chances of anyone here actually seeing a live individual of the opposite sex nekkid is statistically nil (at least not without forking over our life savings.) So we’re way ahead of the curve on that. (Obvious NSFW warning though nothing really, uh…nekkidish is actually there…Cracked being a family friendly site and all).
Item #3:Since I’m pilfering Cracked and it’s the opening of the new Star Trek movie, why not link their piece called Star Trek’s 6 Most Ridiculous Alien Races. Only 6?
Tonight’s overnight thread is sponsored by the Proboscis Monkey.
I didn’t say anything. You’re the ones who are thinking it. Bunch of gutterminds you are.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
09:30 PM
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