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May 06, 2009
America's Most Infamous Gay-Marriage Opponent Under Increasing Pressure to Engage Gay Issues
Snark, again: We're talking about gay marriage opponent President Barack "Hope and Change" Obama. From the Drudge link, citing a coming NYT story:
"Just four weeks after the Iowa ruling, Obama -- who opposes gay marriage but campaigned as a self-described 'fierce advocate' of gay rights -- is under increasing pressure to engage on a variety of gay issues that are coming to the fore amid a dizzying pace of social, political and legislative change,' reports the paper's Sheryl Gay Stolberg.
Marion Barry, by the way, says there could be a "civil war" over gay marriage, in the black community, because it's so unpopular there. I mention this, of course, because Obama's most fervent pillar of support is the black community.
In related news, Andrew Sullivan was spotted gripping his knees and crying hysterically on the floor of his shower, like Glenn Close in The Big Chill.