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May 06, 2009
John Edwards' Babymama Mulling a Paternity Test
So says the National Enquirer, the only media organization bothering to cover this story. (And not just due to the fact that the story is "beneath them," either: Enjoy the media's laser-like focus on the Bristol Palin-Levi Johnston feud, surely a critical issue that our nation must confront at some point.)
"Rielle - probably naively - now realizes she had held onto a false promise that if she continued to take part in the cover-up John had engineered, they'd be together in the future," a close source told The ENQUIRER.
"She was willing to protect John for the sake of the child. She agreed to allow a crony of his to claim he was the baby's father, and she even kept the name of the father blank on the birth certificate.
"But now she can see there's never going to be a future with John - and she feels he's lied about his promise to keep Elizabeth from trashing her in the book," the insider divulged.
"Rielle is so infuriated by his and Elizabeth's actions that she's throwing her loyalty to him out of the window!"
The source added: "Rielle wants the paternity of her daughter Frances finally established. It could ruin John for good because even after admitting the affair, he vehemently denied being the father!"
I don't even know why he denies it.
I assume the paternity test is offered up as a bargaining chip, and what she really wants is child support, even if it's an unacknowledged lump-sum payout sort of child support.
They'll come to a settlement, which is easy for Edwards, as he's got a ton of money, and we'll never be the wiser.
Which is fine. But I don't understand how this story doesn't rate a single reporter from the straight MSM, whereas the Bristol-Levi fight doeos.