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May 06, 2009
ME Governor Signs Gay Marriage Bill
Maine is the second state to legislatively allow same-sex marriage without being forced to by a court order. This gay marriage stuff is happening so frequently now, what would have once been worth a flaming skull is rapidly approaching sidebar headlines status.
The Maine marriage bill, like Vermont's, contains religious conscience exemptions for churches and also explicitly provides that no person for any reason (religious or not) that is allowed to perform marriages can be forced to perform a marriage they don't want to.
New Hampshire is also poised to pass a new marriage law. Like Governor Baldacci before today, New Hampshire Governor Lynch has not stated whether he would sign the bill.
Additionally: The California Supreme Court Prop 8 ruling is due within thirty days. I discussed the case here and the potential outcomes here. I predict that Prop 8 will be upheld, but the 14,000 gay marriages performed prior to its passage will not be invalidated. Ace predicts the "outcome-oriented" Court will knock down Prop 8 here.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:08 PM
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