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May 05, 2009

Miss California's Racy Photos

Alice H. tipped me this a while ago. I've been sitting on it, trying to figure out if I should even acknowledge it and, if so, how to deal with it.

It is, of course, crushing to me that a woman in beauty contests who struts in a bikini would ever take a cheesecake shot (likely for purposes of getting legitimate modeling gigs).

Furthermore, it is hypocritical that a supposedly "Christian" woman should ever have a thought about sex, or show off her body in any way. "Christians" women, of course, wear burka.

Everyone knows this. Google it.

They also don't have sex, which is why Christians are demographically doomed, having no children at all, while the more sexually liberated quarters of the country are having kids like gangbusters.

Again, Google it.

All I know is that many beauty pageant women have had work done -- nose, lips, cheeks, breasts, buttocks -- and yet there's a rather large firestorm about this particular woman's breast enhancement. I hate to be cynical, but for some reason, I think people are leaking stuff about her -- and the media is eagerly running with those leaks -- because she dared to express an unpopular thought.

Did I say "unpopular thought"? My error. It's the majority thought in the country, but it's unpopular with those who matter, namely, those in the media-political industrial complex.

As noted admirer of the female form Perez Hilton said, she's a "dumb bitch," and deserves to be destroyed.

Maggie Gallagher of National Organization for Marriage stands by her spokeswoman:

Because Carrie honestly said what she believed in answer to a question–marriage is the union of a man and a woman– she is now the subject of ongoing character assassination. The level of hatred directed at her is astonishing. Even more astonishing is her personal courage and strength of character in the midst of these attacks. Of course Carrie is not perfect. On a personal note, as a former unwed mother, I want to say to Americans: you don’t have to be a perfect person to have the right to stand up for marriage. Nothing gay marriage advocates can do can change the fact—we all saw it on national TV—that Carrie is a young woman who surrendered all the glitter Hollywood has to offer, because she would not become the kind of person afraid to say the truth.

Through Carrie, we are also learning, the lengths some people will go to hurt and harass those who speak up for marriage.

This is Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber all over again. The media does not even need to be instructed to destroy the left's opponents; Obama's men hardly had to threaten Chrysler debthoders with such a tactic. They do it because they now consider it their jobs.

It's patriotic, you see, to destroy inconvenient citizens who oppose The Socialist, Progressive Good. Free speech is a quaint notion. It's about time everyone knew there would be serious, painful consequences for crossing the left.

The thing is, of course, they fail once again. Their charges of "hypocrisy" are contrived to justify a simple vendetta. It should be noted that no one on the right -- or anywhere -- thought that Bristol Palin's pregnancy was a good thing, or that it reflected well on Sarah Palin; it reflected badly on her, albeit to a very, very minor extent. Like everyone except The One, Palin isn't perfect; sometimes she errs, or can't control her kinda-hot teenaged daughter's sexual behavior. Not good, per se, but so minor a "failing" that most people wouldn't give it three seconds thought.

Except if you're on the left, who, when they're not urging sexual libertinism to make Caligula blush, posture as the Keepers of the Moral Flame That Warms Our Fragile Society, letting us know precisely which right-leaning people have committed gross sins against God and Nature.

But what happened there is what will happen with Prejean: Even if some on the right have mild reservations about these pictures, we're too pissed off about the media's transparent efforts to creepy stalker tactics and smear campaigns to destroy people whose biggest real sin is that of disagreeing with them. And so it will backfire.

Prejean isn't just an ally of the right anymore; she's a martyr for the cause. She's being burned at the stake by intolerant thugs, and that makes her a hero.

Has she sinned? Um, I'm pretty sure she has. I was pretty sure she had before these "shocking" photos came out. Very few Christians refuse to admit they're sinners; in fact, that's one of the first things they cop to. Because the whole idea is that they're aspiring to a standard they can never actually match -- it is foreordained they will not -- and yet aspire to it anyway.

Is she a hypocrite? I don't know; depends on her precise definitions of modest conduct and whether she aspires to that particular goal or not. Even if she does-- this is pretty small-beans "hypocrisy," the sort of "hypocrisy" we all engage in every day.

I do know that only those who profess a belief in an ideal can ever be "hypocrites." Which means that untalented, unfunny, unjustly rich Perez Hilton need never fear the charge.

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posted by Ace at 04:24 PM

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