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May 04, 2009
Chris Dodd: Waterboarding Khalid Sheik Mohammad Is Much Like Incinerating Six Million Jews
In this case, he doesn't merely stick to the Bush = Nazi comparison, which is vague enough to escape raising many people's hackles. No, in this case, he specifically compares waterboarding KSM to the Holocost, and cites the figures (6 million Jews, plus 5 million others deemed "undesirable" by the Nazis) to make his point.
He didn't just break Godwin's Law. He shattered it.
More at Moe Lane, including a link to donate to Dodd's challenger.
Dodd was meeting left-wing bloggers, by the way. As he's only got, what, five Connecticut donors, I guess he figured he'd have to really pander to them to get their support.