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May 04, 2009
Good News...President Of The United States Reads Batshit Crazy Conspiracy Theorist Andrew Sullivan's Blog.
And repeats Sullivan's erroneous claims about Churchill (safe link to Power Line).
What on earth would lead an intelligent man like Barack Obama to stand before the world and pronounce that Churchill ever said: "We don't torture"? Now we know. Obama's "knowledge" on this point derived from the recent "Churchill vs. Cheney" post by Andrew Sullivan on his Daily Dish blog calling for the prosecution of Dick Cheney. (I have long held that Sullivan's blog would more aptly be called the Daily Ditch.)
Why call for Cheney's prosecution? Sullivan seems as foggy on the authority of the vice president as he is on British history. Nevertheless, despite the exposure of the fraudulence of his post, Sullivan reposted it after Obama's press conference. A correction would have been more appropriate.
Sullivan is such a crude and hysterical polemicist on matters related to the Bush administration that he has long since become unreadable. His tirades regarding the Bush administration's responsibility for "torture" are a torture unto themselves.
The post then continues to deconstruct the nonsense that somehow the British stuck to the Name, Rank and Serial Number requirements of the Geneva Conventions when it came to captured German spies. Spies of course being outside the purview of the conventions, much the same as terrorists are.
Next up...Barack Obama questions who Trig's real mother is!
And no, this isn't some nutwing fantasy, the White House is bragging about it and says Obama has been influenced by Sullivan's "thinking" on "torture".
Since we know Andrew reads this blog, it might be a good time to remind him that Obama opposes same-sex marriage.
To think, we could have had a President who reads this blog. Ah, what might have been.

posted by DrewM. at
10:31 AM
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