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May 02, 2009
Was Truman a War Criminal? [dri]
On April 27th, comedian/propagandist Jon Stewart called Harry S Truman a war criminal for giving the order to drop two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. Stewart claimed that those cities were civilian population centers with no military value and that a warning bomb dropped over the ocean would have resulted in a quick Japanese surrender.
Bill Whittle over at Pajamas TV responds to Mr. Stewart's assertions with one of the most brilliantly assembled recitations of historical fact I have ever heard on the subject. Do yourself a favor and watch this fast paced 17 minute video. It is a definite must see!
(note: link gets you to the page but you have to select one of the "video quality" options to the left of the screen to watch it)

posted by xgenghisx at
05:52 AM
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