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April 29, 2009
Buckley Stays the Course
Last October, Christopher Buckley famously endorsed Barack Obama for president based on his 'centrist' campaign. Given Obama's lurch to the left since taking office, one would think that Buckley and the other conservative Obama-endorsers would reconsider.
One would be wrong.
It’s funny: When you endorse (to use a too-fancy term in my case) a presidential candidate, as I did Barack Obama in this space last October, he sort of becomes your responsibility. Back to that in a moment.
Well, 'responsibility' is kind of a strong word. I think the previous endorsement provides those moderates who endorsed him with a great opportunity. These are the people who could say 'Hey, this guy is a pure liberal and not the centrist he campaigned as.'
Needless to say, Buckley is not that person.
Meanwhile, I am delighted, overall, with our president’s first 100 days. I think he has struck a fine tone overseas (trans: the U.S. is less detested than it has been in recent years). He has exhibited the “first-class temperament” that persuaded me he was the man for the job. He is, as I called him last October, “one cool cat.” (The only time he seems to have gotten “furious” was yesterday, over that idiotic Air Force One photo-op-from-hell over Manhattan.)
Every guy knows this line: 'What does she look like? Well...she's got a great personality!" Buckley is clearly desperate to find something to justify his endorsement, and fails.
Unless, of course, he truly believes apologizing to everyone for America's 'sins' constitutes a 'fine tone.' Or perhaps Buckley is thinking of this little embarrassment.
Buckley's praise of Obama's 'first class temperament' (translation: Harvard, baby!) is even more absurd. Obama may be one 'cool cat,' but where some see 'cool,' others might see...oh...a raving narcissist who has little regard for the status of his office when he does things that irritate our oldest ally. Twice. The U.S. may be less detested in some parts of the world, but London doesn't seem all that happy at the moment. Personally, I don't find people who say things like "I won" to settle a political debate or threaten bankers to have a 'first-class temperament.' That's not coolness, Buckley, that's indifference.
Let's be fair, though, Buckley does have his disagreements with The One.
On the minus side, I think his waffling over prosecuting Bush Justice Department officials for approving the enhanced interrogation methods (trans: “torture”) is detrimental and even dangerous. I thought Mr. Obama was initially on the right track with his “let’s move forward” approach (I applaud him, for among other things, retreating on renegotiating NAFTA) and hope that Attorney General Eric Holder, who did exactly the right thing in castigating the Ted Stevens prosecutors, will decide in the end against proceeding against the Bush-era officials.
Mr. Obama’s spending worries me greatly. If every president who comes into office doubles the national debt, then we are finished. We are burying future generations (trans: our children) under crushing debt.
So basically, Buckley disagrees with many of Obama's actual policies, but can't quite bring himself to admit he was wrong about the endorsement so he clings to his misguided praise of the president's personality.
Well, can we really blame the guy? I suppose intellectual honesty is a small price to pay when you're looking for praise from all of the 'right people.'
(h/t: Hot Air)

posted by Slublog at
08:54 AM
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