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April 28, 2009
"Many Hundreds" Of NYC School Kids May Have Swine Flu
It's still not panic time but this isn't over.
"Many hundreds" of schoolchildren are sick with suspected cases of swine flu, City Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden also said Tuesday.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says two people are hospitalized with suspected swine flu.
...The public school -- a few blocks from a Roman Catholic high school where a swine flu outbreak began last week -- remained open as Health Department workers carried in boxes of supplies used for nose and throat tests. They did not respond to journalists' questions.
Meanwhile, 2 deaths in LA may be swine flu related.
UPDATE: Napolitano is giving a briefing, stand by for details. Important take away...you can't get Swine Flu from pork products. You may eat bacon. Thank God for small favors.
The Ag Secretary wants to change the name from Swine Flu to H1N1. I get the point in trying to protect exports but um, really?
Napolitano made a good point...there are 35,000/flu season. This isn't a regular in season illness but it's useful context.

posted by DrewM. at
02:19 PM
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