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April 28, 2009
Specter To Become A Democrat (Officially)
Human Events broke it.
Now FNC confirms.
Thank God Bush, Santorum and the GOP spent so much money getting him reelected in 2004. Heck of a job guys.
Here's Pat Toomey's website. Just saying.
Specter emails to say: "Hey John Cornyn...How's my ass taste?"
David Frum emails to say: "This just proves real conservatism is dead within the GOP".
Let's not forget something very important....Arlen Specter is a hack. Not because he's not conservative enough for me, that's his choice. It's that he claims to be a paragon of virtue, the man who will do the right thing ideology be damned. Well, at the first chance he might lose his precious Senate seat he bolts to save his wrinkly old ass.
Specter is simply a morally bankrupt and cowardly man.
If you want to switch parties, that's fine but there's an honorable way to do that. Phil Gramm did it in the early 80's when he resigned so he could run as a Republican.
If Specter can't stand the idea of being a Republican, why not resign and let Rendell reappoint him? Or simply run for the seat against whoever did get the appointment?
Obviously the idea of not being a Senator is a fate worse than death for this coward. No matter how Specter tries to spin this, it's simply an ass saving and cowardly maneuver.
Here's his statement. As far as I can tell it says something like, "blah...blah...blah...moral coward...blah...Specter uber alles...blah...fuck the GOP..."
He says he will still oppose card check but who believes a word this honorless coward says? A PA Democrat opposing union's #1 priority? I don't think so.
Steele's Statement [ace]:
Some in the Republican Party are happy about this. I am not. Let’s be honest-Senator Specter didn’t leave the GOP based on principles of any kind. He left to further his personal political interests because he knew that he was going to lose a Republican primary due to his left-wing voting record. Republicans look forward to beating Sen. Specter in 2010, assuming the Democrats don’t do it first.

posted by DrewM. at
11:06 AM
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