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April 27, 2009
Dems Blame GOP for Keeping Pandemic Peparedness Funding Out of Spendulus
It's in the Nation today (link is to Don Surber), which means it will be in the N.Y. Times tomorrow and parroted on the evening news programs tomorrow night.
Susan Collins, the Judas who made the spendulus possible, apparently blocked $900 million in pandemic preparation money from the Senate version of the bill (but see here for Chuck Schumer crowing about cutting "porky things" like the flu preparedness money).
This is stupid for a couple reasons. First, pandemic preparedness would not have stimulated the economy. Remember the alleged purpose of the emergency "OMG, pass it, pass it now" stimulus package?
Second, there is nothing standing in the way of Congress if it wanted to pass a pandemic appropriation either after the spendulus or even today. It's a little silly of Democrats, who control both houses of Congress and the White House, to point at Republicans and claim that they'd have had the appropriation if it weren't for Susan Collins.
If we put that little claim through the AOSHQ translation module, this comes out: "We are weepy, scared, impotent, and--above all--have no idea what we're doing. Please don't be mean; Harry and Nancy bruise easy."
posted by Gabriel Malor at
10:49 AM
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