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Something that made me laugh hysterically... (tmi3rd) »
April 23, 2009
Overnight Open Thread (genghis)
(I know, I know…the backlog of tips keeps piling up)
Meanwhile, Discovery (via MSNBC) has a story about a microbe-powered fart machine meant to improve fuel cell technology. Riiiiiiight.
”It sounds like a gag gift instead of serious science, but a new electrical farting machine could improve fuel cell technology by turning CO2 in the atmosphere into methane.”
“The technique won't combat blobal warming directly, since both CO2 and methane are potent greenhouse gases, but it could help store alternative energies such as wind and solar more efficiently.”
So now you can more openly channel your inner 7th-grader. No more having to blame the dog and you can once again proudly ask gullible nephews to pull your finger. After all, it’s in the name of
Tonight’s overnight open thread is sponsored by the Sloth.
Unlike our last few animal sponsors, the sloth is pretty well known. But there’s just something compelling about this pic. If I saw that crawling across the highway, I wouldn’t run over it. No, I’d stop, get out, and kick it to death just for looking like it does. Does that make me a bad person? I sure hope so.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:33 PM
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