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April 21, 2009
More Taxes: Obama and Democrats to End Tax-Free Internet Shopping
The monkey needs to be fed. (Um, this is an addiction metaphor, not an "Obama is a monkey" joke, shit-for-brains leftwing trolls.)
Now Congress and Obama have their eyes on the Internet to help fund more government spending — because most U.S. States are pushing for the new tax rules that require federal oversight — and Washington is ready and willing to help. Congress is expected to introduce a bill this week that would require Amazon.com, L.L. Bean, eBay, Cabela’s and other online merchants to collect sales tax on all online purchases and return that money to the state in which the purchaser resides — which may force business that make sales online to abide by the tax laws maintained by each and every state.
The new bill rewrites the ground rules for mail order and Internet sales by eliminating what its supporters view as a “loophole” that, in many cases, allows Americans to shop over the Internet without paying sales taxes.
Currently, Americans who shop over the Internet from out-of-state vendors aren’t always required to pay sales taxes at the time of purchase. Californians buying books from Amazon.com or cameras from Manhattan’s B&H Photo, for example, won’t pay sales taxes at checkout time that they would if shopping at a local mall because their headquarters are located out-of-state.
“We will have the bill ready for introduction by next Monday,” said Neal Osten of the National Conference of State Legislatures. “We finalized the language and now we’re working out the remaining issues and adding some new provisions at the request of various stakeholders.”
But, you know, President Obama promised that you, the middle-class taxpayer making less than $250,000, would not pay "a single dime" in additional taxes of any kind -- not just income taxes. He spoke of any and all taxes.
In order to save our children from a future of debt, we will also end the tax breaks for the wealthiest 2% of Americans. But let me perfectly clear, because I know you’ll hear the same old claims that rolling back these tax breaks means a massive tax increase on the American people: if your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime.
Hey Middle Class -- How Obama's ass taste?