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George Will's Sports Machine »
April 17, 2009
NY 20- Fork, Tedisco, Some Assembly Required
It's not official yet but that sound you hear is the fat lady warming up.
Murphy now leads by 264. There are still some recanvasing to be done and 1,000 paper ballots to count but...
Yes, yes, ACORN, blah, blah. There were no mystery bundles of ballots 'found' for Murphy or over voting in some precincts like in Minnesota. We can't turn ACORN into a catchall excuse like Democrats did with Diebold.
If we don't accept that the fault lies not in their activists, but in our candidates, we are in for a very long time in the wilderness.
More on this when the results become official.

posted by DrewM. at
12:32 PM
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