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April 16, 2009
Susan Roesgen Displays Admirable Nuance on Whether Calling President a "Fascist" is "Offensive"
Yesterday we watched this sac of vinegar and mons-cheese make a beeline to a guy holding an "Obama is a fascist" sign (ignoring hundreds of other people, by the way) and give him a piece of her mind about how "offensive" that was.
Apparently she was sick from work from January 2001 to January 2009, and failed to notice that Bush was called a "fascist" every single protest the MSM covered. Without any network scolding about it, either. In fact, "fascist" was one of the more charitable epithets applied to Bush; "murderer" was one of the stronger ones.
But what's this? Turns out she wasn't absent from work for eight straight years after all. Not only did she see that the left was offensively denigrating Bush as a fascist, she actually used their imagery to illustrate a story she was doing.
And not a story about how wrong it is to call the President a fascist, either. She used the imagery to make the same point the protesters intended, in fact.
As far as I can tell, she didn't scold anyone here.
Does President Bush resemble Adolf Hitler and Satan? That seemed to be the implication during the 9am half hour of CNN's American Morning. A protester wearing a George W. Bush mask, complete with a colored in Hitler-esque mustache and red horns attached to the forehead was deemed a Bush "look-alike" by reporter Susan Roesgen. In her report on how the bureaucracy at FEMA is delaying federal funds for rebuilding New Orleans, Roesgen highlighted a group of female Catholic school students demonstrating for money to repair the city's levees. The students, as Roesgen noted, "hoped the President would stop by" the protest. It was then that the demonstrator wearing the Bush mask was highlighted on camera, while Roesgen narrated, "But while a look-alike showed up with a wad of cash, Mr. Bush did not." The "wad of cash" in the demonstrator's hand was actually several phony dollar bills mocking the Bush administration.
So, Roesgen wanted to mock Bush for disappointing some students who wanted Bush to show up (so they could mock him). She used their Satanic Hitler Bush "look-alike" to mock Bush along with them, without apparently giving any thought as to whether such a comparison was "offensive" to "many Americans" or not.
But carry a sign calling Obama a fascist, and Susan Roesgen will be all over you like Oliver Willis on a Real Doll made entirely out of Filet-O-Fish sandwiches to let you know in no uncertain terms You've crossed the line, dude.