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April 14, 2009
Media Finally Acknowledges Huge Protests Sweeping the Nation
After weeks of a near-blackout of coverage, the WaP finally reports on "Genital Integrity Awareness Week."
If you rely on the mainstream media, then much of what you’ve just read truly is news. The tea parties have only gotten passing mention on the major broadcast news shows. Papers like The New York Times and Washington Post would rather cover just about anything than a conservative protest. The Times preferred to regale readers with the “significance of the tea ceremony in Japan” instead of telling them the significance of tea protest in the United States.
The Post has completely ignored tea party events in recent weeks, but it’s there for meaningless demonstrations like “Genital Integrity Awareness Week.” (Such is the state of modern media that they need a week to find that which the lord gave them.) The Style section delivered a protest story involving "about 50 people" opposed to male circumcision. The event was typical Post fodder, lacking only the “Free Mumia” idiots who usually abound in left-wing gatherings. I guess it’s only natural that the Post would rather cover 50 penis protesters than thousands in an actual tax demonstration. Given how much they cover Congress, they are uniquely familiar with the subject of the first protest and care little about the second.
Even CNBC, which helped make the “Chicago tea party” an idea that the White House had to address, has slinked away from the battle. Santelli cancelled his scheduled appearance with Jon Stewart and the network itself has made a major left turn by adding analyst Howard Dean and getting Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington to host “Squawk Box.” Almost over night, CNBC’s star attraction Jim Cramer went from comparing Obama to Lenin in January to saying he was “pro-shareholder” two months later. Apparently somebody at GE wants CNBC to be more like MSNBC.
But a news blackout won’t stop the tea parties. They are just getting started. The April 15 event is only round two of 10 planned rounds of butt-kicking activism. Round three, fittingly, is on July 4. On tax day, we get to remind Washington that we pay the bills for all of their pork-barrel spending. On Independence Day, we get to remind them that we can vote them out just as easily as they were voted in.
In case you don't know, you can still find a local tea party to attend for Tax Day at, erm, Tax Day Tea Party dot com.
I mean, assuming you can fit in an appearance between your anti-male-circumcision protests.
Keep your agenda off my pudenda!
Whose glans? Our glans!
Whose glans? Our glans!
One two three foyle,
we don't want your racist moyle!
Related: Left wetting themselves at notion that anyone but Mumia stooges and black-masked leftwing anarchists could possibly do the heavy organizing to meet at a specified location at a specified time and protest.
Surely there must be some rightwing conspirizing afoot. People on the right... couldn't possibly accomplish such tasks without Karl Rove's (Blessed Be His Santanic Majesty) guidance.
It's like that moment in Aliens when the "animals" demonstrate they know how to open doors. Scary shit, if you believe conservatives are actually capable of learning.
But of course we're not. We're uneducated, angry, and easily led, as the Washington Post famously opined in the nineties. There are unseen Cigarette Smoking Men behind it all.