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April 10, 2009
Limbaugh's "Lie:" I Actually Did Meet With the President, And I Told Him I Wanted Him to Fail
Reader Mark sends this:
Yesterday Rush Limbaugh announced he had been lying about his not meeting with Obama back in January. He explained what really happened is that he did in fact have a secret meeting with Obama in which he told Obama he hoped his policies fail. Obama responded, “Look, I hear you but I won, I’m a visionary.”
He later read an email from a caller who was extremely disappointed that Rush lied to us. Rush sighed heavily and explained why he did. He brought in the Joe Biden story about meeting with Bush.
The explanation was a bit contorted and I wondered about it. Last night late I went to his site and read it in detail and began to realize, Rush’s lie was in the past: this story of his is the lie. And it is quite ingenious.
What he is doing is mimicking Biden, mocking him. Biden said Bush said, “I the leader.” Biden then heroically responds, “Look behind you, no one’s following.” Rush basically paralleld that with his claim of Obama’s “I’m a visionary” line followed by his heroic honesty in telling the president how he really felt.
Then he added an exquisite touch: he said he expects the Obama administration will deny this ever happened.
The genius is in his putting the Obama/Biden crowd in a box. Any response they make will highlight the Biden gaffe/lie. A non-response allows Rush’s tale to be accepted as true.
Back about a month ago when Limbaugh put forth his bi-partisan idea for the stimulus package – divide the bailout according to the last election’s results – I began to respect Limbaugh in a new way. He is crafty. This is another fine example.
I'm glad I have a reason to mention the Biden Lie story, because I can't take it seriously otherwise. Because I can't take Joe Biden seriously. The man is a habitual liar, and not just in the normal way politicians are liars; he lies about basic facts of his own life to give himself a more heroic biography. And these lies are easily, and frequently, demonstrated as false.
What the hell was the last one? That his helicopter was nearly shot down in Iraq?
No, wait, it was Afghanistan. He claimed his helicopter had been "forced down" on the "superhighway of terror" when in fact it had merely landed for a spell to let some weather pass.
Ah, that was a fun lie.
Heh: I did several posts about this. I was searching for the others and discovered I'd mentioned the encounter Joe Biden calls Cockfight in the Casbah at the time. Kinda funny.
And the google-machine also turns up fellow Senator Clarie McCaskill noting that sometimes Joe Biden says things that are "kinda stupid," and that he's not "hyper-careful" about "parsing his words."
In other words, he just makes shit up.
Proof... That Rush did meet Obama. Wiserbud discovered the videotape.