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April 03, 2009
National Enquirer: Federal Grand Jury Probing Possible Use of Campaign Funds to Pay Off John Edwards' Babymama
"Multiple" confirmations, the Enquirer says. And a US attorney refuses to confirm or deny, which sounds like confirmation-talk to me.
U.S. Attorney George Holding revealed yesterday he “was not going to confirm or deny any investigation” regarding Edwards that was first reported by the ENQUIRER earlier this week.
Edwards has [] denied paying either campaign staffer Andrew Young, who claims to be the child’s father or Rielle Hunter, his admitted mistress, any funds from the campaign war chest. Fred Baron, a longtime Edwards supporter, claimed to have provided the hush money. Baron died last fall.
Ah, Fred Baron again. The most generous man on the face of the earth. It is no coincidence, I think, that the economy sputtered out when this Titan of Altruism died.
Oh, and I personally am dispensing with the whole "It's National Enquirer, so take it with a grain of salt" thing. Their batting average is high.