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April 03, 2009
Is your new computer slow? Sue!
Vista + 1G + ram robbing integrated video = lawsuit.
The whole thing is preposterous. If you buy a cheap ass machine with no memory, bogus video, and then expect it to run like a $2000 machine, then you're what's commonly known as a FUCKING RETARD.
This post was proudly generated on a living dinosaur - 350mhz Pentium II, 700M ram, and Matrox Millennium G200 card and Windows 2000. Its also 100% "green" since it came out of a dumpster and was headed for a landfill when I snarfed it up. Doing everyday stuff, this antique feels faster than all the new demo shit in the stores...the Adaptec SCSI and 3 drives may have something to do with that.